The Green Screen, 2012

Lahore, Pakistan

In 2012,  exploration led me to a chair—an object that became a canvas for countless ideas later. Rather than fixating on video techniques, I multiplied the chair’s significance through interaction. The green screen, typically used by videographers, faded into the background as I delved into the chair’s essence. 

“The documentation of raw video footage has implications for future work. As an observer and artist, my relationship with chairs is complex. Whether they’re made of wood, metal, or plastic, I perceive various characters in them. The chair’s aura exudes a nonchalant attitude—a calm, relaxed posture. Interestingly, our decision-making capacity differs when standing versus sitting. While standing decisions may be less progressive and rushed, those made while sitting on a chair tend to be more effective and positively impact our actions and thoughts.

Realated Artworks

Automata, 2015

Lahore, Pakistan

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